What is a “lab grown” diamond?
A lab grown diamond is a rough diamond born from a pure carbon crystal, or “diamond seed”. Placed in sophisticated, high cost machines, it is exposed to the same high pressure/ high temperature process (HPHT) that occurs with mined diamond formed deep in the ground over thousands of years. . . but in a fraction of the time. Once a lab grown rough diamond has reached its maximum growth, it can be cut and polished in the same process as a mined diamond.
Unique benefits of man-made lab grown diamonds;
1. Outstanding value at prices substantially lower than mined diamonds
2. Eco-friendly through reduced impact on the natural environment
3. Sustainability through little effect on our natural resources
4. Graded by industry-leading independent gemological labs, with the lab report number laser inscribed on the diamond’s girdle
5. Cut and polished using the same processes and high standards as mined diamonds
6. Available in a wide range of sizes, qualities and shapes
7. Guaranteed conflict free